Blog Themes

Regular Po1 Posts: These post happen every week or bi-weekly and focus on the main theme of the blog articulated on the about the blog page. 

Musing Out Loud: Blog Posts about questions, and thoughts about culturally relevant and socially important issues that are pressing  and of interest to me and/or submitted by readers.

Rant-domness Posts: As the name suggests these are thoughtful and well articulated random rants that are drawn from my lived experience.

MOVE Posts: Several years ago I was part of an amazing youth movement, Making Our Voice Echo!  It is true that kids say the darnedest things; they can do even more amazing things! These posts are inspired by that experience, my kids and the young people in my life. It is dedicated to all those young people who are seek to MOVE. 

Family Matters: A true play on words. These posts are about significant family topics. They are posted once per month. 

The Good News: Weekly devotional! 

Worth Reading: Blog Posts from other writers that were originally posted on other sites or in other publications. They were deemed so good that they deserve a second life.